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tv   State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash  CNN  June 27, 2021 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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replace lead pipes and upgrade the nation's rail systems. saturday biden said he had not intended to threaten a veto of the infrastructure deal and would keep his word to support it. quote, with vigor. joining to discuss is utah republican senate mitt romney. president biden said if your compromise plan is the only bill
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to come to his desk, quote, i'm not signing it but yesterday he issued a lengthy statement he supports the deal and not his intent to issue the veto threat. is that good enough? do you buy his explanation? >> i do take the president at his word and weeks and weeks of negotiations with democrats and with the white house on an infrastructure bill, the president's other agenda was never linked to the infrastructure effort. we came to an agreement on the infrastructure effort in a way i think is really impressive. as you know, it is true infrastructure. bridges, roads, rail, electric utility support and so forth. and without raising taxes. so this is a bill which stands on its own. i am totally confident the president will sign it if it comes to his desk. the real challenge is whether the democrats can get their act together and get it on his desk. and i think the battle this is going to go is not with republicans. republicans are going to support
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true infrastructure that doesn't raise taxes. >> talk about what president biden said about you and his his disagreement on thursday. >> mitt romney has never broken his word to me. the people i was with today are people that i trust. i don't agree with them on a lot of things. but i trust them when they say this is a deal, we will stick to the deal. >> you just heard the president say he trusts you, based on the whiplash over the last few days, do you trust the president? >> i do trust the president. and he made very clear in the much larger statement that came out over the weekend carefully crafted and thought through piece-by-piece that if the infrastructure bill reaches his desk and it comes alone, he will sign. at the same time, i recognize that he and his democrat colleagues want more than that,
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want other legislation as well. we republicans are saying, absolutely no. at the same time trillions of dollars of new spending is something we will not support. fixing the infrastructure in our country and fixing our airports and roads and bridges and transit system and rail is something we will support. we can get the job done. >> how many republicans in the senate do you have committed to vote for this bipartisan infrastructure deal? >> well, i believe we will have enough to get it passed. i don't know exactly where everybody is after the weekend. i certainly can understand why not only myself but a lot of my colleagues were very concerned about what the president was saying on friday. but i think the waters have been calmed by what he said on saturday. and look. you know, i called the white house and the white house called around to each of us i think had been negotiating saying, look,
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we are going to make clear exactly what the president means and i do take the president at his word. you know, as he indicated, i don't agree with the president on a lot of policy fronts. i think he is making a big mistake by dramatically raising taxes. that is his ambition, of course, and by adding huge spending on social programs. i think that is a mistake for the country. but do i take him at his word and a man of honor? absolutely. >> how close did president biden come to blowing up this deal, do you think? >> well, you know, had it not been clarified and had he not made it clear that these are two different measures, that the infrastructure bill stands on its own, and his other and items, they stand on their own as well. had he not made that clear, i think it would have been very hard for republicans say we support this. we are not going to sign up for a multitrillion dollar spending spree and not signing up for dramatic increases in taxes.
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we think that is wrong. there won't be a single republican that votes for the kind of massive increase that the president is fighting for. and there was no discussion during our negotiations whatsoever of tying those things together. that would not have been something that would possibly been able to proceed with republican support. >> let's talk about the infrastructure deal. if you listen to experts, they say that it's still not enough. the american society of civil engineer says the united states is has a backlog of nearly 800 billion in road and bridge needs. this plan has less than 600 billion in new spending total including water band and more. why not meet the demand that engineers and other experts are calling for? >> i must admit i pay a lot of attention to the engineers but they are paid on how much we spend in their arena. i can tell you as we looked at
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each of the elements that is supported in the infrastructure plan, the committees of record that oversee each of those areas, we took their legislation, which had been passed on a bipartisan basis and we put it into the bill that was done on a combined basis, and it added to, as you know, $579 billion on top of the 300 plus billion we will spend as a base load the next five years. it's a five-year program. there is a point at which you can't spend any more where there aren't more contractors and steel and concrete to spend at a higher level than that. if more needs to be done there is the occasion for the next congress to be able to add spending if that is needed. this is a very robust program and a deal -- i would know with a whole host of areas which relate to improving our physical infrastructure and also recognizing that the climate is changing and we face some threats to our systems that suggest, one, we need more
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resiliency to prevent wildfires and roads from, if you will, going under water. at the same time, we need to develop new technologies in hydrogen and electric, as well as nuclear if we are going to deal with the coming reality. >> when do you think this bill is going to be able to get to the president's desk? and do you think senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is going to allow it to come up for a vote? >> i don't think there is any question but republicans will support this legislation if it comes to the floor. but it's not our choice. whether or not this legislation comes to the floor is up to chuck schumer and, to a degree, of course, nancy pelosi in the house. and they will make that decision. and if they allow this bill to come to the floor, it will as you recall -- surely be reported by the republicans and democrats and passed and the president will sign it. if they say we are not letting
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it come to the floor unless we get trillions of other spending and tax increase they will face some challenges. the real i think challenge right now is among the democrats. what are they going to do? i don't know that they are in line for a big tax increase. i don't think the american people want to see that. what the american people want to see is exactly what america needs, fix the infrastructure, it's crumbling in many cases, dangerous. fix the infrastructure. move ahead. get that done. and take the other agenda and work on it as you will but let's get the infrastructure done and let's do it in july. >> former president trump had held a rally last night in ohio targeted at a congressman, republican congressman who voted to impeach him. he kept pushing last night again the big lie that the 2020 election was rigged. this all comes as arizona republicans are completing their ridiculous partisan audit and other states are saying they will do the same and bill barr
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called it in the atlanta french magazine, pardon my french, bull shit from the former attorney general, a quote. do these repeated lies about the election and whitewashing what happened january 6th, do you think it undermines american democracy? if so, do you think more of your republican colleagues need to speak out? >> well, i do think it's important for each better than to speak the truth and to make clear that the big lie is exactly that. i can tell you that it is surely being used around the world to minimize the support for democracy. there is a battle going on in the world right now between the nations like china and russia and nations that believe in democracy. if the autocratic nations can point to united states which is the birth place of this modern democracy and can say, look, they can't run an election there that is not fraudulent, how can you possibly run it in your
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country? that is, obviously, having an impact on cause of democracy and freedom around the world. i think, frankly, jake, a growing recognition in the u.s. this is like wwf, that it's entertaining, but it's not real. and i know people want to say, yeah, they believe in the big lie in some cases, but i think people recognize it's a lot of show and bombast but it's going to nowhere. the election is over. it was fair. look. the president was crying foul on election night and actually before election night and the question is what were his sources of information? where did he hear that the election had been fraudulently carried out? did he hear it from the justice department? no. did he hear it from the intelligence community? no. so where did he hear it from? the buy pillow guy? rudy giuliani? what are their sources of information? it's pretty clear the election was fair and not the outcome the president want but let's move
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on. >> s&p 500 said she will announce a select committee on the january 6th insurrection. your personal preference, would you rather have people like congresswoman liz cheney and congressman adam kinzinger and adam meyer on this select committee than, for instance, marjorie taylor greene and who will be appointed to than select committee? >> he hope he appoints people seen to be credible and looks at it on a broad base. i think the american people are interested in getting to the bottom of some of the outstanding issues. look. as you know, i voted in favor of a bipartisan commission. i think that would have had more credibility. just having a commission which is established under the speaker of the house, obviously, leaves credibility in the lurch.
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and, yet, there will be an effort to look back at what happened on january 6th. i think there are questions that are appropriate to be evaluated. from my standpoint, one question is why did it take so long for security to come to the capitol and to rescue the capitol police that were battling away? and to make sure that the vice president was safe and his family was safe, as well as other elected officials. why the delay so long? why didn't the pentagon move more quickly, for instance? what happened to the white house? why didn't action immediately occur to protect the vice president? i think questions that people want to know the answer to. two senate committees looked at this i think were comprehensive and terrible day in american history and used us against us around the world already is by china and russia. it has huge implications.
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it should never happen again and any effort to understand why it happened is, in my opinion, appropriate. >> the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff testified this past week on capitol hill and defended teaching of all sorts of point of view what is called critical race theory which a framework that points to systemic -- i want you to take a listen to this. >> i want to understand white rage and i'm white and i want to understand it and i personally find it offensive that we are accusing the united states military our general sfers officers of being, quote, woke. >> in response to general m milley's remarks, some calling him stupid, a pig.
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generals are not above criticism, obviously. what has been your reaction to this vitriol against the general? >> he is a person of extraordinary complement and personal character and a brilliant man. i believe he was appointed during president trump's term. >> that's right. >> by the president. he is somebody whom president trump had confidence. so i think we will listen to what he has to say and weigh it appropriately. look. i think it's very important for us as a nation not to, if you will, pour gasoline on racism of any kind. i think it's helpful for us to recognize that we come together when we express respect and love for other americans regardless of our differences. i think efforts to divide us and to promote racism are dangerous and awful. at the same time, i certainly don't want the federal
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government telling educators what they are allowed to teach in the classroom. any more than i wanted to see common core with the federal government imposing a curriculum on local schools. look. parents should decide what kids are being taught, teachers and parents and school boards and local communities, even states can be involved in that. but let's keep the federal government out of telling people what can be taught in our schools. by the way, that is a sort of direction you see at places like china. where they censor the media and censor what can be taught in schools. let's not open the door to that in this country. >> senator romney, stay right there. a lot more i want to talk to you about china and russia. we will be right back.
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welcome back to "state of the union." i'm jake tapper. we are back with more republican is not mitt romney, the utah senator. president biden seems to be taking a wait and see approach with russia. you've seen worried about russian interference since you ran for president in 2012.
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>> i think he recognizes that putin is a bad guy, that as president biden indicated, he has killed people, and he pointed out as well that his political opponents have all ended up in jail or killed, or attempts to assassinate them have been carried out. i mean, he is an autocrat in the worst way, and represents a threat to the world. recognize as well, of course, that russia is in decline, a demographic and economic decline. john mccain jooused to say theye a gas parade. the real challenge is not just russia poking a stick in our eye every chance they have. but the emergence of china which is on track to become the most powerful economy in the world and the most powerful military in the world. and that represents, i think, a greater challenge to us over the
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coming couple of decades. i think the president is increasingly aware of that challenge as is secretary of state blinken. i think they are working to pull together our alliances to wake up to that reality and to take action to dissuade china from a path of confrontation and military aggressiveness. >> the top republican on the house foreign affairs committee told me on the show last month he believes it's more likely than not that the coronavirus emerged from that chinese lab than the theory it developed naturally. you're on the senate foreign relations committee. what do you think? what repercussions should the chinese government phase for its role in hiding critical information from the world about the virus? >> yeah. i think that china's effort to play a more and more assertive role in international bodies has
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to be pushed back or, in some cases, eliminated. they really shouldn't be a part of w.h.o. in any significant way. and i think it's because they have not been open and transparent and how they can simply be on, in some respects, a dominating position on the w.h.o. given that fact, in my opinion, is an outrage. look. i don't know where the covid virus came from. clearly their lab had practices which were not up to international standards or appropriate scientific standards. that was something which was evaluated even before the covid outbreak. so whether it came from their lab or from their market, i don't know which, but it clearly came from china. and it possesses a threat to us right now and to nations around the world and -- by the way, you know, one of the outrages that came from china. and the violation of their agreement to allow hong kong to
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operate under a separate political system, that also should come to our attention. look. china is doing a lot of very bad things and the entire world needs to come to recognize what they are doing and saying that will not stand and we not allow to you play the dominant role you want on the world stage while you're carrying out these kind of atrocities. >> you and fellow republicans requested a delay on the vote to repeal the aumf. why did you request that delay? and are you going to vote to repeal that law or do you want to keep it on the books? >> well, i'd like to hear from the administration what their strategy is with regards the middle east. and what the threat is from not only from al qaeda but from isis, how they can assure that
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iraq is going to remain independent and democratic, how they are going to plan for the future in afghanistan. i want to understand what they are planning in the entire region and that is something which i think the american people have a right to understand as well, because as you point out, this authorization, this aumf has been employed by president obama and other presidents as well to legally justify our action in the middle east, particularly going after isis, and removing this authorization could well have impact on our capacity to, if you will, knock down any flare-ups that might occur in iraq or in other places in the middle east. i want to understand that. i'd like to hear public hearings from the secretary of state and the secretary of defense, as well as perhaps classified hearings to make sure that we understand exactly what the implications are and how the administration plans to proceed. i have to be honest. the action that was taken to withdraw all of our troops from
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afghanistan, is in my opinion a very risky decision which jeopardizess well-being of wome in afghanistan and calls in extraordinary sacrifice of life that has been paid by american men and women in yoom. >> uniform. >> 144 sightings what they call phenomena. all remain unexplained. whatever these are, they appear to be technology the united states does not have, but technology we cannot even explain. i know a lot of people joke about this. but you're a national security hawk. how concerned are you about these objects and where do you think they come from? >> well, i don't believe they are coming from foreign adversaries. if they were, that would suggest they have a technology in a different sphere we understand and, frankly, china and lorussi
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are not there and neither are we. if this came from another alien society which i frankly would find hard to believe, but i guess all things are possible, that would be fascinating and interesting. i know they say there are trillions of galaxies out there so who knows what might develop somewhere else. that wo i think we have more significant challenges here ahead of us now than worrying about those things. the emergence of china as a dominant player in the world gives me concern and warming in our planet gives me concern and amount of debt taking on the in nation gives me concern and focus on those things and infrastructure before i'd give a lot of attention unidentified flying objects. >> i know you're concerned about your home state of utah and other states in the west facing
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potentially record breaking heat wave this weekend amid the worst drought in 20 years. you've been vocal saying the science is clear that the climate is changing, humans contribute to it. do you think the climate crisis is part of the drought that is so devastating in the west and does the u.s. need to do more to stop it? >> well, the people that are more expert than i do believe that the kind of weather patterns we are seeing are the result of climate change and i have no reason to disagree with that. clearly, we are seeing heat and drought, which is a real concern in the american west and other parts of the world. and we need to undertake efforts globally to make sure that we are not contributing to more warming of the planet. that is going to take a long, long time, however, to get the whole world to reduce our e emissions. china and brazil and india continue to grow their emissions
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into the atmosphere so a real concern. but we have a more immediate need which is while we are waiting for that to occur over the decades, what are we going to do to protect from rising sea levels, from greater storms, and from drought? and i, for instance, have introduced a piece of legislation, along with senator mark kelly of arizona to say, look, let's put a commission together to really study how we can deal with these fires and to reduce the fuel load which exists in some of our forests of dead wood to make sure we are getting rid of some of the fuel that would allow for these things to overwhelm us. we got some work to do and i believe it's time for us to address the here and now, as well as the international effort we are going to have over some decades to try and reduce our co2 emissions. >> thank you, senator romney. good to have you on. >> thank you. president biden will have a difficult time getting his
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welcome back to "state of the union." i'm jake tapper. they wanted bridges but, right nous the white house ha-- now, e white house has a tight rope. we are joined by senior adviser to president biden cedric richmond now. thank you for joining us, sir. on thursday, president biden explicitly said he would not sign the bipartisan infrastructure bill into law unless it is paired with the
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democrats' sweeping budget reconciliation package. now on saturday, he said it wasn't his intention to say that. he still wants to see the two bills passeded but he is no longer refusing to sign the infrastructure deal if it land on his desk on its own. do i have that right? >> speak for themselves. but i think the real point, jake, is that he was putting the focus back on the historic nature of the bipartisan infrastructure deal. so whether it's the lead pipes, the electric vehicle charging stations, the electric buses, i think he wants to make sure that people understand how historic this is. this type of investment, this size of investment has never been done in this country's history. i close this part with this, jake. people in this country want government to work, where democrats and republicans agree, hurry up and do that. where you fight, fight. but what you can accomplish,
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please go do it. so that is what this job's bill and infrastructure bill does. we agree on that, so we are going to do it and help the american families in the infrastructure and the president will sign two bills. >> the former deputy chief of staff to harry reid tweeted, quote. so can you just clarify for once and for all biden will, if it happens, that the bipartisan infrastructure bill lands on his desk on its own -- i understand that is not your preference -- but if that were to happen, he would sign it? yes or no. >> well, look. i don't think it's a yes or no question. this is what i think it is. people have underestimated president biden from day one. we will pass the rescues p plan.
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we expect to have both bills in front of us to sign and i expect that president biden will sign the infrastructure bill. he will sign the families plan. >> so he is not going to commit to signing the infrastructure bill if it lands on his desk on its own? it has to come with the other bill? >> no. i think the important point here ask to focus on the president's words yesterday that speak for themselves. i speak for the president but i don't put words in his mouth and where he has a clear statement, i let that do the speaking. the important thing is to focus on how historic this infrastructure bill is. >> speaker pelosi says she will not take up the bipartisan deal in the house until they pass the reconciliation package. i understand that it's the
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president's preference that they come together. but does he have an opinion on whether pelosi and the house democrats should hold a vote on the infrastructure deal as soon as it arrives in the house with no strings attached? >> no. the president is focused on the historic nature of the deal and actually getting it passed. making sure it gets to his desk. and the legislative process will be left up to speaker pelosi and senator schumer. i served in congress for ten years. the speaker is very capable. the speaker is great. we expect two bills to our desk -- to the president's desk, i'm sorry, so he can sign both of them. >> let's talk about the budget reconciliation package. senator joe manchin vote you need, this morning, he suggested he could support a reconciliation package as high as $2 trillion. that is a long way away that bernie sanders is talking about.
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is $2 trillion enough? >> we don't have a number. what we have are needs and challenges that we have to meet. like we did with the american rescue rescue plan we laid out the things we needed to get covid-19 under control and get people vaccinated and get people back to work and boost the economy. at the end of the day, we added all of those things up and added up to $1.9 trillion. we passed a bill for that amount. economy is growing and unemployment is down and how we approach legislation. we don't pull numbers out of the air. we try to meet the challenges. i would suspect our great leaders in both the senate and the house and our great democratic members in the house and senate will come together and meet the challenges that we have to meet to invest in our human infrastructure, our families and economies and we will get to a number that way. >> we are seeing a spike of
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homicide in cities and states across the united states and those numbers are only examined to -- expected to go up as the summer goes along. one of the lead democratic negotiators on capitol hill on policing reform, congresswoman karen bass, democrat from california, she says she is worried the spike in crime could make it harder to reach a deal. do you agree? >> well, we don't want people to conflate the two. and we support the george floyd justice and policing act. but we also support investing in the city so they can replenish the city and who is using the s guns and how do we do it in a manner that we employ violent crime interrupters. so we want to do it in a very smart way and we need the police to have a better relationship
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with the communities. we need constitutional policing and we need our communities to trust our police, so i'm glad that they are still negotiating and working together, both democrats and republicans on it. but we have to do this in manner that is comprehensive, which includes encouraging people to hyp hire ex-offenders and we really believe in order to do it, you have to prevent the crime from happening and when it happens, support the police so that they can solve it and move on from there. >> i know that your portfolio is largely domestic but i have to ask about this because it's an issue i care a great deal about and we have been covering a lot. president biden publicly promised that none of the more than 19,000 afghans who have assisted in the united states and at least begun the process of trying to get these special immigrant visas to flee afghanistan so they won't be slaughtered by the taliban, he
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said none of them will be left behind when the military pulls out in the coming weeks and months but the biden administration has been very light on details. nothing has happened yet. these people respectfully, sir, need more than words and promises. they need action from president biden. when is he going to tell the pentagon and the state department, go, start evacuate ing 24e78? >> jake, you know this is a serious issue. i think the president is clear he is not leaving people behind. if you're asking us to give you numbers and locations and details and timing, we are not necessarily going to do that because of the sensitivity of the information. we want to make sure that we protect the people who helped us and risked their lives to help us and i think that a president who lives and honors his word and always says when he gives his word as a biden, he is going to stick to it. he was very clear that we would not leave them behind. there is a process being set up
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and i think that there are -- there's a pipeline and there is action that is happening but we are not going into the numbers, timing, details or locations because we believe that that is not in the best interests of the people we are trying to help. >> cedric richmond, senior adviser to president biden, thank you for your time today. we appreciate you, sir. >> thank you for having. this is what it takes for the nation to heal and move forward from the january 6th attack. this. what is it? that is next. [typing sounds] [music fades in] [voice of female] my husband ben and i opened ben's chili bowl the very same year that we were married. that's 1958. [voice of male] the chili bowl really has never closed in our history. when the pandemic hit, we had to pivot. and it's been really helpful to keep people updated on google.
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speaking at the ronald
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reagan presidential library this past week, former vice president mike pence continued to push back on the unhinged argument that pence could have somehow awarded the presidential election to the man who lost quite decisively his former boz donald trump. >> there are those in our party who believe that in my position as presided officer over the joint session, that i possess the authority to reject or return electoral votes. truth is there is no more idea in america that the notion that any one person could choose the american president. >> who holds such an un-american idea? well, pence didn't say it, but, obviously, the chief proponent of this fiction is donald trump, himself. as you will recall on january 6th. >> i hope mike is going to do
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the right thing. i hope so. i hope so. because if mike pence does the right thing, we win the election. all vice president pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertified and we become president and you are the happiest people! >> pence, of course, had no such power to carry out such an un-american idea but you can forgive trump for thinking pence might actually try to do so. i mean, after all, it was not clear until that day, january 6th, that pence was not on board with the attempt to swindle the american people out of their votes. while campaigning in georgia for the senate runoff elections on january 4th. >> i know we all got our doubts about the last election, and i want to assure you, i share the concerns of millions of americans about voting irregularities.
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and i promise you, come this wednesday, we'll have our day in congress. we'll hear the objections. we'll hear the evidence. >> and this is the problem with the big lie. once you're in, you're in. once you lie about the election or sign on to that deranged lawsuit, the lies about the election or vote to disenfranchise, millions of americans from arizona and pennsylvania based on those lies, you're in. as trump proved again at a rally in ohio last night, he's not going to fade away and take his lies with him, he's going to stand in front of his supporters and continue to lie. lies no less than attorney general bill barr in the atlantic journal were, quote, all bullshit. mike fanone finally got to meet mccarthy and wanted him to not
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put any liars or conspiracy theorists on this new house committee that nancy pelosi is putting together to investigate the insurrection, given that mccarthy and most house and senate republicans voted against a bipartisan senate commission. mccarthy, shown here in a cycling event recently, made no such commitment to officer fanone. fanone also tried to convince mccarthy that he should denounce publicly the deranged conspiracies that house republicans continue to spread about the insurrection. >> i asked him specifically for a commitment to denounce that publicly, and he said that he would address it at a personal level with some of those members. >> here is the problem with trying to appeal to house republican leader mccarthy to condemn the folks who spread the big lie. he's one of them. >> president trump won this
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election, so everybody who is listening, do not be quiet. >> this week a different election liar, rudy giuliani, saw his law license at least temporarily suspended by a u.s. appellate court because giuliani, quote, communicated meaningless illustrations about the election. he claimed thousands of deceased voters voted in michigan in 2020. an independent-led senate committee investigated this and just a few days ago looked at how many flawed deceased votes in michigan were found. the answer? none. zero. and the republican -led committe went on to say, we wantstrongly recommends citizens use a critical eye and ear toward
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those who have pushed demonstrably false theories for their own person gain. but the problem mccarthy and others are experiencing is that, as i said, once you commit to the big lie about the election, you have to also sign on to other lies to not only whitewash the insurrection but to allow this climate of even more deranged lies. so, therefore, you end up disrespecting the cops who sought to protect you that day. it does not stop. it is long past time for those who appear to be pushing the big lie for political gain, not because they believe it, pence, mccarthy, steve scalise, elise stefonic. >> tell the constituents the truth, tell the american people the truth, let's get to the
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bottom of the truth, then we can move on. until then, if you think history is going to cover up your lies, you're wrong. >> tell the truth. the lies continue to threaten the democracy that they call claim to revere, to continue to push these falsehoods so as to undermine future elections that will continue to be, as pence said, unamerican. a slo a slow, painstaking search in surfside, florida in an effort to find survivors, next. s and be a member of this organization that is whipping senators' votes against voting rights. you can't do both. tell corporate leaders, "you can't be with us if you're still with them. drop the chamber."
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rescue crews are still sifting through the rubble of a condominium building that collapsed. 150 people remain unaccounted for as we continue to learn shocking reports about 1986 report on the building. some families of missing loved ones are understandably growing impatient with the pace of the search, which is likely to continue for days. one woman with a missing 26-year-old daughter told rescuers, i know you're doing what you can, but imagine if it's your child in there. frankly, we can't imagine and we hold you all in our hearts today. stick with morcnn for more on t
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[ "me and you" by barry louis polisar ] ♪ me and you just singing on the train ♪ ♪ me and you listening to the rain ♪ ♪ me and you we are the same ♪ ♪ me and you have all the fame we need ♪ ♪ indeed, you and me are we ♪ ♪ me and you singing in the park ♪ ♪ me and you, we're waiting for the dark ♪
7:00 am
this is gps, the "global public square." welcome to all of you in the united states examinand around world. i'm fareed zakaria. today on the show, next week marks an event china has been preparing for literally for decades. the 100th anniversary of the


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